Redland District Special School accesses a range of regional services to support the specific educational needs of our students.
Therapy services
The Education Queensland Regional Therapy services visit and support students and staff upon request and a regional prioritisation process. These services include speech language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy.
Nursing services
Our school has a number of students with specialised health needs (i.e. epilepsy, gastronomy, catheterisation) these students require specialised health plans. The Education Queensland Regional Nursing Service provides support and training to staff to assist manage the health needs of students while they are at school including training staff to administer specialised health procedures.
Guidance and counselling services
Our school also has a Guidance Officer who is available to support students, staff and parents. The Guidance Officer also assists parents with enrolment eligibility including managing the Educational Adjustment Program (EAP) verification processes of intellectual disability. Our Guidance Officer also supports the enrolment process and eligibility for our students who attend the Early Childhood Developmental Program. The Guidance Officer can also provide advice and support to parents who require additional support and services for their child.
MyTime is an Australian Government initiative to support parents and carers of children with disabilities. The MyTime program provides funds to the school to operate a parent support group and siblings program. These programs help to support families in the care of their child with a disability. For further information concerning the MyTime program offered at our school, please contact the office.
Stepping Stones Triple P – Positive Parenting Program
What is Stepping
Stones Triple P?
Stepping Stones Triple P (SSTP) is part
of the Triple P parenting program, and has been specially tailored for
parents of children with a disability. It doesn't tell you how to be a
parent. It's more like a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need.
You choose the way you want to use them. It's all about making it work for you. It is one of the few parenting programs with
evidence to show it works. Research shows Stepping Stones reduces child
behaviour problems and lowers parent stress levels.
What does Stepping
Stones Triple P do?
The three Ps in "Triple P"
stand for "Positive Parenting Program", which means your family life
is going to be much more enjoyable.
Stepping Stones Triple P helps you:
Raise happy, confident kids
Manage misbehaviour so everyone in the
family enjoys life more
Set rules and routines that everyone
respects and follows
Encourage behaviour you like
Take care of yourself as a parent
Feel confident you're doing the right
Take part in community events
Develop plans for tricky situations
As part of the Stepping Stones Triple P Project,
families with children aged 2-12 with a disability or developmental delay have
free access to selected levels of Triple P’s Stepping Stones parenting program.
Here at RDSS, we have an experienced
Special Education teacher, Judy Howard, trained as a Stepping Stones Practitioner
to provide the program to parents. Watch and hear one of our parents, Pamela discuss the positive impact completing the Stepping Stones Program has had for her
and her son on the Stepping Stones website.