Our school provides educational programs for students aged between 5-18 years with an intellectual disability. A large percentage of our school population also has additional disabilities, including autism, sensory and physical impairments.
Our current enrolment is 169 students they live within the Redlands area of Thornlands, Cleveland, Raby Bay, Capalaba, Alexandra Hills, Birkdale, Wellington Point, Redland Bay, Victoria Point, Mount Cotton and the Bay Islands (Stradbroke, Russell, Macleay).
For children of compulsory school age, enrolment is subject to the process outlined in Education Queensland’s Procedure: Enrolment in State Primary, Secondary and Special Schools which can be located on the Department's website.
To be enrolled in our school students must be diagnosed with an intellectual impairment, students under compulsory age must have also meet criteria of a suspected impairment or disability.
For more information pertaining to enrolment, please contact us; or alternatively the Principal Education Officer (PEO) at the Hope Island Office of Education Queensland on telephone (07) 5656 6622
View the Department's prep ready reckoner calculator to determine when your child can commence their preparatory year.
Students enrolled at Redland District Special School may be eligible for transport assistance. Please contact the school for further information.